12. Nicola Nuttall - Campaigning to move Glioblastoma and other brain tumours in young adults and children from terminal to treatable
Nicola, Grace, Laura & Mark Nuttall - Laura graduating at The University of Manchester with her family
My guest today is Nicola Nuttall. I first came across Nicola on social media, mainly because of her hash tag, #shitscaredmum. I can’t think of a better description of how it feels as a parent to see your child on a teenage cancer ward. All parents go into survival mode when their son or daughter has a life threatening illness. They fundraise, campaign, fight and will move heaven and earth to arrive at a curative outcome. Of course, after all that’s intrinsic to being a Mum & Dad. But there was something different about Nicola. Reading her Twitter feed and visiting her website (link below) you immediately get a sense of the person behind the brave face. Since Laura was diagnosed, Nicola and her husband Mark have had many people getting in touch to ask for advice for themselves or loved ones who have unfortunately received a similar diagnosis. So within 'Tips and Advice’ on their website (link below) they outlined Laura's current treatments and all the supplementary things they are trying to help Laura, in the hope that they can help others too. Nicola reinforces the fact that she is by no means a medical expert, but she has picked up a few pieces of advice during Laura's experience with cancer that may help others. She is vigorously campaigning for a change and raising awareness of brain tumours in young adults and children. But with a very genuine and heartfelt approach to helping others with the same prognosis as Laura. At the same time, her family is experiencing the biggest challenge imaginable and managing their own emotions. Whether you’re a millionaire, or you live on the streets there’s nothing more painful than when your children are seriously unwell and Nicola’s coping strategy to heal emotionally has been one long fight to stay ahead of Glioblastoma, and not just for Laura, but for the many young adults and children with this bastard disease.
Recorded remotely on 15/02/2023 so one or two minor blips in the audio quality
Brain Tumour | Doing it for laura
TIPS AND ADVICE | Doingitforlaura
Joe Gilligan Trust | Supporting young adults fighting cancer